*Availability of services may vary based on location.
Ponds can add beauty and interest to your properties in all four seasons. Aquatic weeds and algae can ruin water quality and create sediment that lines bottom of the pond. This sediment can create bad smelling elements and release nutrients that cause vegetation to grow even more quickly. The solution is a balanced approach. Aquatic weed control, algae control, aerator maintenance are all part of our pond maintenance services.
We also co-ordinate other services by recommending non-leaching fertilizers, soil testing to avoid over-fertilizing, and using only aquatic safe pesticides near your ponds to maintain your property without harming the quality of your water.
Deer and Rabbit feeding can outright kill trees and shrubs. Mosquitoes, Ticks, Fleas, Springtails and many other pests can make life outside a miserable experience. We have solutions for pest problems like these that are proven to work.