*Availability of services may vary based on location.
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It is impossible to make a good decision when considering treatment for the EAB if you have no idea how many trees you have and what each tree's condition is.
We offer full property assessments where we map and assess the health of all of the Ash trees on your property. Our assessments allow you to make an informed decision about which trees can be treated and which trees must be removed.
Treatment of parkway trees may not make sense for everyone- but mature trees on your property do take a long time to reach maturity. Saving mature trees can improve property value, reduce cooling costs by providing shade, and preserving the look of your landscape.
Current information from the Morton Arboretum, Michigan State, and Purdue Universities has shown that the EAB does 65-85% of its killing in an area within a three year period give or take. Treatment of Ash trees can be more cost effective than removal because the food supply for the beetle (untreated Ash trees) will be wiped out much more quickly than previously thought. This means that treatment would only need to continue every two years over a 4-7 year period and then could be reduced and eventually stopped. The initial condition of the tree also has a lot to do with the effectiveness of the treatment. Waiting until the tree is visibly declining can be a big mistake.
Our main method of treatment is the Tree-Age trunk injection. This is the only treatment available that has shown to still be effective after the tree has already been infested. The trunk injection is preferred over soil injection methods because it is more effective and much lower impact on the environment. This system keeps the chemical between the injection system and the inside of the tree. We also offer treatment of individual parkway trees should you decide that you value these trees also.
The majority of the towns in the Chicago area are not treating parkway Ash trees due to budget constraints, but encourage individual homeowners to treat if they would like to keep their parkway trees. We will work with city foresters so that they can keep records of treatments as needed.
Since the late 1990’s, scientists have warned that the Emerald Ash Borer will be working its way through the US and devastating the Ash trees throughout this country. Aspen Tree & Turf Care has the solution to keeping your trees healthy and to survive this devastating event.
If your Ash tree still has a relatively full canopy there is probably still hope for successful treatment.